Laura Grace walked in, a sketch book tucked neatly under her arm. Her blonde hair followed behind her as she walked inside the crisp cool classroom. No one was in there, and that was how she liked it.
No one knew her secret obsseion, here in the classroom. She would just sit. And draw, and draw and draw. Nothing speacial... but she loved it. The quietness helped clear her mind of worries like, 'how am i going to have time to do all this homework' or 'I wonder if she's actually talking about me...'.
Laura sat down on a stool in front of a tall table in the back. It faced the window which looked out onto the school's campus. Students mingled and walked to classes, conversing with each other. She smiled to herself and opened her sketch book, flipping to a clean page.
She stared at it, wondering what she would draw. Usually she would find some lone student that sat alone, and draw their face. The art class room was on the first floor, so she didn't have to draw it at a weird angle, but no one ever noticed her. Laura didn't know why... It was a rather large window.. but from what she could see, no one gave a glance. A second thought. They were all too preoccupied with their own lifes to really give a damn about hers.
Honestly, she didn't mind. Her blue-green eyes scaned the campus, eyes rolling over familiar faces. She bit her lip as she spoted a group of kids leaning against a wall. Cigerettes hung from their mouths lazily as they relaxed in the shade. She smiled to herself. It was a perfect sceniro.
Laura took out her charcoal pencil, sharpened and ready to go. Then, lightly placing the tip of the black pencil, she started to sketch the teens, from a veiw of her own.
All was silent as she listened to the rubing of the pencil to paper, a rough-scratchy nosie that was like music to her ears.
She had no idea how long she ever stayed in that classroom, spending hours at a time in there, after she had gotten done with her mandatory classes. The ones she need to graduate with. All the others where just something to fill her time with, or to socialize.
Laura sat their, sketching, in her own little world. Away from life itself.