student name:Sasoko Yuei
student grade(if you are not in high school in rl, put grade 9):9
classes ( choose 7 from the list of classrooms):Geometery, World History, Foods, 2-D Art, Biology, Honors Eng. 2, Choir
Q&A (answer all questions):
do you smoke?alittle, not much
do you do all your homework?.... most of the time
do you like to work out?No, i'm quite lazy, actually
do you like school? social stand point-yeah. Other than that..not really.
do you ever skip class?Yeah, once every week or so
do you like to sleep? Only after tests
what are your views on bullys?( at least one paragraph)Bullys are annoying, but i can see why they do what they do. They do it to build themselves up, and in real life, it's just the same. People cut down the little people to get big. Once your big, you have power. And power is hard to get. But once you have the power, your top game. So, bully's are just another part of life to me.
do you like football? Meh, i'd only go for hanging out or chilling. I never watch the games (<-- secretly watches them and sometimes shouts out cheers and stuffz)
baseball?...NO! i hate that sport...
track and feild? (don't ask..just, don't ask..) No
basketball?Its okay..
and what will you do for the school in order to put a stop to bullys and mean people? ... Why would i stop something that is a normal part of life?
Thats like going against God. Sheesh.